Charity auctions tend to go slower, meaning both the auctioneering chant is slower, but you also move through auction items slower with the emphasis of being able to promote and "sell" the item better. Typically these auctions have 5 to 20 total items. Sometimes a few more, but keep in mind that it is not unusual to spend 5 minutes or more with each item from description to final sale.
Whether done at our site or yours, these often include everything household item to food, tools, clothing, etc... There can often be a lot of pre-set up work when it comes to putting things into sellable lots, things that should not be sold (family member wants to keep) and/or recommendations by us that some things might be better off sold on the free market rather than through auction. However, you want to have a good variety and quantity of items available and you will need live bidders to have a successful auction. This type of auction could take a week or more to get set up depending on the size of the estate.
As of right now, these types of auctions are not truly in our wheelhouse. Selling livestock is a unique and specialized type of auction and requires having the right buyers, location and knowledge to be successful. We may be able to help you with some of the farm equipment, tools, etc..., especially if sold on site, but would currently recommend looking into your local area for auctions set up specifically for livestock.
If you are local within the region where we can drive to, those types of costs will be minimal, but if setting up your auction takes considerable time to transport, commute or other, then this will ultimately effect the final costs.
Some auctions can be done in a matter of hours or less, in which one auctioneer can do it all, but others could take all day and might require multiple auctioneers and/or multiple days to conduct the sale. This should be kept in mind and as a reminder, with estates or sales of this size, it might be beneficial to consider going online in order to reach a larger potential buying audience.
As a licensed firearms dealer, we can sell your firearms for you. However, there are some additional costs right off of the bat due to the requirement to do background checks, paperwork and a lot more specific details required by ATF in order to sell your firearms. If there are only a few, it can easily be done within the estate, but if there are many and/or if it is a firearms only type of auction, then we would recommend looking at doing it all online that not only increases your potential buyer numbers, but also allows for vetting of the buyers to be sure firearms are not sold to unlawful buyers.
Even though this section is about live auctioneering, there is some information here and potential recommendations to consider other methods. This is not to dissuade you from a live auction, but more so to be sure we are provide the best and proper service to help you have the most success sale of your items as possible
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